
The Connecticut Police Chiefs Association, the Connecticut Council of Organizations Serving the Deaf, the Connecticut DMV, and local police departments have teamed up to help overcome communication obstacles. They offer suggestions to both the hard-of-hearing driver and the police officer as how to safely and easily manage a traffic stop together.
GREEN ENVELOPES are available at Putnam Police Headquarters (in the entry foyer) as well as other police departments and DMV locations.
The BLUE ENVELOPE is a statewide initiative that was created to enhance communication between a police officer and a driver with autism spectrum disorder. The purpose of the envelope is to have the driver place their insurance card, registration and driver license in it, so they can hand it to the officer during a traffic stop. On the outside of the envelope is helpful tips and instructions for both the officer and driver on how to successfully communicate with each other.
BLUE ENVELOPES are available at Putnam Police Headquarters (located in the entry foyer) as well as other police departments and any DMV office.

Walk with Derek form is intended to assist both Law Enforcement and the Community during interactions with those who have autism spectrum disorder. Simply fill out the form, attach a recent picture of your child, and submit to the department. The form will be kept on file. If there should be any calls to your home, we will have this information for the responding Officer.