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PutnamPoliceDepartment_Rx Collection Box

Rx Drug


|   ongoing   |

Putnam Police Headquarters

189 Church Street, Putnam CT 06260

A prescription (Rx) drug collection box is located in the lobby of Police Headquarters.


This collection box is available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. You may deposit any unwanted or unused prescription medications or illicit drugs for destruction, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.


Baby Car Seats

Child Safety

Seat Checks

|   by appointment   |

Putnam Police Headquarters

189 Church Street, Putnam CT 06260

From bringing home a newborn to taking a ‘big kid’ to their first day of school, proper child safety seat installation is crucial. Without it, the safety seat can’t do its job to protect little ones.


As a certified child safety seat installer, Ofc. Joe Sharkey of the Putnam Police Department is available to inspect and/or assist with installation. 

PutnamPoliceDepartment_Rx Collection Box

Rx Drug Collection

|   ongoing   |

Putnam Police Headquarters

189 Church Street, Putnam CT 06260

A prescription (Rx) drug collection box is located in the lobby of Police Headquarters.


This collection box is available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. You may deposit any unwanted or unused prescription medications or illicit drugs for destruction, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.


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